Hmmm...when you find the answer to this drop me a line.
No, I've attempted to bring up the subject with friends and for the most part they can agree with me on the need to have supplies on hand in case of an emergency. What kind of situation? Too many to count! I think the best way to describe it is preparing for Life. Real living, not what we've made of it. You think if there was no internet people would go a bit whacko because they couldn't update their Facebook status? You know who I'm talking about, friends that have every detail of their day online for people to see and comment on. "John Smith is with Jane Doe at Jones City Farmer's Market."
I've brought up an article I read recently about how when you live in the city a persons wants are just as important and a persons needs, whereas someone living in the country learns to get by with what they have and make do with the things you need because things that fall under the "wants" might not be readily available. That went over like a ton of bricks. Nowadays we want what we want, when we want it.
Well, baby steps. Still trying to convince my husband of the need to set aside some food. He's a tough nut to crack.