Tuesday, August 16, 2011

New location....

Where we are living now it not suitable for our future plans, that's for sure. In fact, it's the complete opposite of where I want to be. Granted, we live and work at the same location but we have no freedom, nothing belongs to us. We have no rent and utilities to pay, who could think anything is wrong with that, but when you are constantly chained to your job for 3 1/2 YEARS you get a bit cranky, at least I have been lately. No freedom to have a family outing, to take a simple weekend off, to take a week to visit my sister out of state. Nothing. 2 years ago when I was in the hospital having emergancy surgury I had to go alone because the boss wouldn't come until the next day to relieve my husband, even though they live only 30 miles away. Just tired of it all. It shouldn't have to be this way. Isn't it a good thing I have a blog to vent on?

Best thing about this is we have been saving up. We can afford something simple, out in the country. Away from ringing phones and door knockers. I could stand a LOT of privacy for a good long time. Someplace we can make our own. We have work lined up that would allow us so much more freedom.

The future looks bright.

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